

  • 撮影日:2019/9/30 14:00-16:00
  • お客様:K様&A様
  • ロケーション:オランゴ島
  • プラン: オランゴ島半日フォト
  • 追加:ヘアメイク(美容師同行あり)・衣装レンタル・撮りっぱなしデータ・造花アイテムレンタル
  • カメラマン:MEI


Today its our pleasure to have you as our guest ..this have been a long day for the couple because we going to one of most beautiful island in mactan, olango island which is the casablanca resort located and photoshoot held it was a nice weather and the bride looks so beautiful in her fitted body gown. ..

thank you for choosing bless in your special day 😊 doumo arigato guzaimasu

From :Jasmin

by Mayu