

  • 撮影日:2019/11/20 10:00-11:00
  • お客様:N様&C様
  • ロケーション:公共ビーチ
  • プラン: お手軽ビーチフォト
  • カメラマン:めい
  • 追加:遠方送迎・ヘアメイク同行なし・ブーケレンタル
  • お持込み:衣装一式


This day is long ride for couple from Pulchra to public beach and i’m so happy they give me smile the first time i saw them ..

when we arrived to beach its a perfect timing since its not crowded and beach is so quite and even they feel hot because of weather they still enjoy from first until our photoshoot done..

Im so honored to be part of your special day 🙏 thank you for choosing bless 😍😍😍

by Jasmin